

Information / instructions

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The E-Harmonizers are a powerful rediscovered artefact rooted in the ancient knowledge passed down through Egyptian dynasties. They were used by the Pharaohs and high priests to amplify their power, prevent disease, and prime their energetic systems for sacred initiation rituals within the pyramids. It was believed these rituals connected them with the divine power of the gods.

How do they work:

A set of E-Harmonizers consist of two cylinders: one copper (KA) and one zinc (BA), each filled with specific crystals. When you hold the copper cylinder in your right hand and the zinc in your left, your body acts as a natural conductor. This interaction generates a slight electrical charge that activates the crystals inside the rods. As a result, the crystals begin to vibrate at specific frequencies, creating a strong healing field that positively impacts your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.


  • provide direct powerful grounding.
  • activate your energy Meridians and open your Chakras.
  • strengthen the self-healing capacity.
  • deepen meditation and strengthen your energy field.


The E-Harmonizers are a personal development instrument. When working with them they attune to your energy system and process. Therefore, it is best not to share them. When you do share them, you still benefit from the positive effect, but you will lose the part where they are specifically programmed to your needs.

It is best to use the set in a calm state. The E-Harmonizers follow the intelligence of your body and your conscious awareness in the present moment. You can use them during meditation, grounding exercises, sitting on the couch, sleeping, walking and any other setting where you can focus on yourself and your energy. There is no strict limit on how long you can use them. Even 15 minutes daily can bring noticeable benefits for your well-being. However, if you are using them as part of healing from illness, burnout, or trauma, aim for longer sessions of 30 to 60 minutes each day to maximise their impact.


  • Avoid placing the E-Harmonizers directly in sunlight.
  • Ensure the two rods do not touch each other when not in use.
  • Store them in dry environments to prevent moisture exposure.
  • While the harmonizers are waterproof, they should not in contact with water for more than two minutes. The metals will react when exposed for longer periods of time.

Do not use in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy (in the last six months)
  • It is advised not to use the rods during menstruation as this can lead to increased blood loss.
  • Epilepsy, Schizophrenia and other mental disorders

Exercise caution with:

  • In case of a recent heart attack or stroke, be cautious with the rods. They can have a positive effect but may stimulate areas causing discomfort in those areas.
  • Do not use the rods under the influence of alcohol or drugs as this can lead to unpredictable effects.
  • Since your energy field is more open, it is wise not to use the rods near devices with strong electromagnetic radiation as the potential adverse effects on the body are greater.

Using and working with the E-Harmonizers is at your own risk. If you have any questions or reservations, please feel free to contact us.


During the use of the rods, you may experience tingling sensations, often in the hands and arms, but also in other parts of the body. You can experience a boost of energy trough-out your system and movements in your body Your hands may throb. As the body seeks to re-establish balance, you may feel pulled to one side or experience sensations of warmth or cold. Because the internal communication of the body improves, injuries and weak spots may become pronounced. The healing process is activated in those areas. Areas of tension become noticeable and then transition into relaxation. Energetic and emotional blockages may also surface during use. It is beneficial to focus your attention on these areas and work through them. This way, you will gradually bring your system into balance and facilitate healing. If you become very dizzy or nauseous during use, the set may be too intense for you at that moment, and you should stop using it. In this case, we recommend trying a lighter set or postponing the use.


For personal development:

For yourself it is a powerful instrument to use in healing processes, trauma processing and burnout. And it will support you well with meditation, grounding, and spiritual growth.

For Therapists:

For (energetic) therapists it is a powerful instrument to ground or centre before or after a treatment.

When a client holds the E-Harmonizers during or before a session, this can open them up and maximise effect during and after the treatment.
Use them to ground your clients and bring them peace of mind during sessions, especially when working with children.


First use: remove the cover of the clips provided to separate them.
After usage the E-Harmonizers will get stained. This the natural effect of the two metals generating electricity when holding them. This has little effect on their strength. However, for hygienic or aesthetic reasons you might want to clean them periodically. You can use a scouring path and a mixture of salt and natural vinegar to clean them and bring them back to their initial state. For light cleaning you can use two scouring pads and make circular motion. For more cleaning advice check our YouTube channel.

Charging and discharge:

It is not needed to charge the E-Harmonizers. The effect comes from the elements will continue to do so as long as they are present. The crystal is programmed by your energy and therefore the E-Harmonizers can be used indefinitely. However, it is possible to charge them, and you can maximise their effect by doing so. A good method for charging is placing them under a proper placed pyramid or placing them in a bed of charged crystal quartz.

When a set is used by different people it is advisable to discharge the rods with running water or placing them on a bed of hematite. Be sure to let them cool down after each usage if you are not able to discharge in any other way. Expect for the direct sun most other methods to charge and discharge crystal apply. If you are not sure, please contact us for advice.

We hope the E-Harmonizers will support you in your personal growth and wellbeing.


Ervaringen van gebruikers van de


"De E-Harmonizers helpen mij om mijn rustmomentjes in mijn dag te pakken. Het geeft me iets om op te focussen."

Bas VerhulstBas Verhulst

"Ik kom makkelijk in mijn meditatieve staat. Voor mij al een onmisbaar item tijdens mijn ochtend en avond ritueel."

Annet KolemaAnnet Kolema

"Je kunt echt voelen dat er tijdens het vasthouden op specifieke plekken in je lichaam werk word verricht."

Adya PatelAdya Patel

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Heb je een vraag aan ons. Kijk of deze hieronder al beantwoord is. 
Zo niet, stel je vraag via het contactformulier.

Maakt het uit in welke hand de staven vastgehouden worden.Ja dat maakt uit, de koperen staaf (KA) gaat altijd in de rechterhand. En de zinken staaf (BA) links. Dit omdat het lichaam ook een + en een - kant heeft. En de rechter helft is de + en de linkerhelft is de -.
Kijk hier voor meer instructies voor het gebruik.

Kan ik de E-Harmonizers delen met mijn partner / huisgenoot?In princiepe zijn de staven voor persoonlijk gebruik. Dit omdat het kristal zich afstemt op jou persoonlijke frequentie. Mits je degene waarmee je hem deelt geen ernstige gezondheids problemen heeft is het geen probleem om te delen. Maar zorg wel dat de staven afgekoeld zijn van het vorige gebruik. Even onder koud water houden kan hierbij ook helpen.
Kijk hier voor meer instructies voor het gebruik.

Kan het zijn dat ik weinig voel bij het vasthouden van de staven?Mijn ervaring leert dat met name hoogsensitieve personen veel sensaties ervaren bij het vasthouden. Toch hoor ik vaak van niet hoogsensitieve personen dat zij hartkloppingen in de handen ervaren of een tintelent gevoel ergens in het lichaam. Daarnaast is het wel aan te raden om de stilte op te zoeken om de subtiele veranderingen te kunnen opmerken. Ongeacht of het voelbaar is of niet, doen de staven hun werk.
Kijk hier voor meer instructies voor het gebruik.

Kan ik stoppen met mijn medicijnen of behandeling nu ik de E-Harmonizers gebruik?De E-Harmonizers zijn geen vervanging voor de reguliere geneeskunde. Ze kunnen hierin wel ondersteunen. Bij gezondheidsklachten raadpleeg uw arts of specialist.

Welke E-Harmonizers zijn voor mij geschikt?De keuze van de staven is afhankelijk van uw huidige conditie.
Bent u gezond en volwassen kiest u dan voor de E-Harmonizers (medium).
Indien de staven voor kinderen bedoeld zijn of de staven makkelijker wilt kunnen meenemen kunt u voor de E-Harmonizers S gaan.
De E-harmonizers (Light) Zijn bedoeld voor mensen welke een fragiele gezondheid hebben en waarvoor het aan te raden is met de lichtere variant te beginnen.
Kijk hier voor meer informatie over het gebruik.

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Copyright © E-Harmonizers 2024